This conflict tactic scale also measures the prediction of future risks of domestic violence; through assessments of positive or negative behaviors (Huss, 2013). Some reasons that the conflict tactic scale has been controversial is because it has disregarded some context and aspects such as the occurrence that domestic violence can be out of self-defense or fear of being hit first in a domestic violence situation. Another controversial issue was the fact that the conflict tactics scale also disregarded the range of behaviors associated with domestic violence in different levels of conflict tactic such as psychological violence, physical, and sexual. (pg.218). I feel that the scale is useful but, I am also in agreement with the controversies that it disregards the range of behaviors within domestic violence. I also feel that even though it is useful it is not implemented because if it was there would not be domestic …show more content…
In this case parents would “brainwash” their child to campaign for them to go against that other parent with no justification. Research did not support Parental Alienation Syndrome because of the lack of experimental aspects and factors surrounding and supporting PAS. And one of those lacks of supportive evidence was the DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder. This manual lists all mental disorders used by mental health professionals (American Psychiatric Association). Therefore, outlining that PAS was not really listed to be a disorder under the basis of the DSM-5.