These outbreaks for the most part last for 3 years at a time, but could last anywhere from 2 to 9 years. When a massive defoliation at a site occurs, it is rare that they will last more than 2 years there. The defoliation effects are sorted into 3 categories; light, moderate, and heavy. Light defoliation occurs in less than 30% of the tree and barely effects the health of the tree. During moderate defoliation, 31-50% of the tree is effected and causes foliage loss, there is a low mortality rate. When heavy defoliation occurs more than 50% of the tree is effected, tree death can occur in hemlock, spruce, and pine. Trees that are deciduous can take a heavy year of defoliation and be okay. When there is reoccurring defoliation, twigs and branches can dieback as well as tree death. Death can happen when there are other problems going on such as shallow soils, drought, and defoliation late in the season
These outbreaks for the most part last for 3 years at a time, but could last anywhere from 2 to 9 years. When a massive defoliation at a site occurs, it is rare that they will last more than 2 years there. The defoliation effects are sorted into 3 categories; light, moderate, and heavy. Light defoliation occurs in less than 30% of the tree and barely effects the health of the tree. During moderate defoliation, 31-50% of the tree is effected and causes foliage loss, there is a low mortality rate. When heavy defoliation occurs more than 50% of the tree is effected, tree death can occur in hemlock, spruce, and pine. Trees that are deciduous can take a heavy year of defoliation and be okay. When there is reoccurring defoliation, twigs and branches can dieback as well as tree death. Death can happen when there are other problems going on such as shallow soils, drought, and defoliation late in the season