Baseball has been around since 1846 and wooden bats have always been the tool of the trade. There is much debate as to whether players should use wooden bats versus aluminum. Traditional wooden bats can make players feel connected to the historical game. As well, there are a few benefits to using wooden bats opposed to aluminum. Here’s a list of 5 baseball wood bat benefits:
Hits Will Be More Precise
Wooden bats are made differently than aluminum, and as such it takes more skill to get a good hit. By training with a wooden bat, players can develop better form and hitting mechanics. Wooden bats have smaller sweet spots and when using one, players have to adjust their swings to hit the ball the right way in order to get it to go further. …show more content…
Training in this way will help players develop more precision in their swings.
Players Will Have Better Batting Form
Using a wooden bat requires skill and excellent form. If players can use a wooden bat successfully, they can use any bat when they’re up to hit. It’s easier to hit a ball with an aluminum bat so players may not focus too much on their form if they see good results. Training with a wooden bat will force players to improve their overall form which, come game time, will result in increased speed and power.
Players Will Be Stronger
Aluminum bats are hollow and thus are lighter than wooden bats. Wooden bats are also weighted and balanced so they can drive the ball further. When players train with wooden bats, they are simultaneously strength training. In this way, if they do need to use metal bats, they have a more strength behind their swings. The combination of this strength, their developed form, and precision will lead to better hits.
Aluminum bats can cost up to three times as much as wooden ones.
One reason is that it is cheaper to make wooden bats so they can be sold at a cheaper price. Although they may need to be replaced more often than aluminum ones, it can be worth it considering the added benefits of using wooden bats. Not only does choosing a wooden bat save you money, it also improves your performance during gameplay.
Wooden bats are thought to be safer than aluminum. The reason is that when hitting a line drive, an aluminum bat can cause the ball to fly at dangerous speeds. This may be truer in youth baseball since the most reported injuries and death have been caused in adolescents. More injuries have been caused when aluminum bats were used as opposed to wooden ones. Having speed is important but shouldn’t outweigh the safety of others.
Overall, wooden bats are a great choice: even if they are only used in practice. They offer the players a multitude of benefits. Players can learn better form, become stronger, and increase their precision. They are more cost-efficient and offer a safer play. It is worth it to get back in touch with the traditional roots of baseball and use a wooden