Despite being roughly a mere one foot in length, one foot in width, and six inches in height, the sculpture does not strike one as being small or insignificant in size. Rather, the formal choices present create a sense of great density and mass within the piece. The sculpture appears to have been carved from stone - possibly from the common medium of volcanic rock. The choice to use heavy, unburnished stone in the crafting of the piece adds a feeling of weightiness and ruggedness to the sculpture. Green stone, another common medium amongst the Aztec, would have allowed for a shinier and sleeker look. This stone, which is grey with a green tint, makes for a physically heavier and rougher piece. Volcanic stone also allows for a much larger amount of usable material, as many other precious stones would have been available in smaller quantities and samples. Though the piece cannot be touched by the public, I can imagine that the grainy feel of the rock would starkly contrast the colder, smoother, sleeker feel of a green stone. The texture of the stone is untamed. The technique
Despite being roughly a mere one foot in length, one foot in width, and six inches in height, the sculpture does not strike one as being small or insignificant in size. Rather, the formal choices present create a sense of great density and mass within the piece. The sculpture appears to have been carved from stone - possibly from the common medium of volcanic rock. The choice to use heavy, unburnished stone in the crafting of the piece adds a feeling of weightiness and ruggedness to the sculpture. Green stone, another common medium amongst the Aztec, would have allowed for a shinier and sleeker look. This stone, which is grey with a green tint, makes for a physically heavier and rougher piece. Volcanic stone also allows for a much larger amount of usable material, as many other precious stones would have been available in smaller quantities and samples. Though the piece cannot be touched by the public, I can imagine that the grainy feel of the rock would starkly contrast the colder, smoother, sleeker feel of a green stone. The texture of the stone is untamed. The technique