Report author includes name and title.
Prepared by Susan Litzinger Director of Ethics and Business Conduct
Report Distributed March 1, 20--
Includes name of company to which report is submitted. Title page is unnumbered.
Prepared for The Ethics and Business Conduct Committee CGF Aircraft Corporation
Source: The Technical Writer’s Companion (3rd edition) by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002)
Opening states report’s purpose.
Subheads signal shifts in topic.
This report examines the nature and disposition of the 3,458 ethics cases handled companywide by CGF’s ethics officers and managers during 20--. The purpose of this report is to provide the Ethics and Business Conduct Committee with the information necessary for assessing the effectiveness of the first year of CGF’s Ethics Program. Recommendations are given for the Committee’s consideration in planning for the second year of the Ethics Program. Ethics and Business Conduct Policy and Procedures
Background information is included.
Effective January 1, 20--, the Ethics and Business Conduct Committee (the Committee) implemented Policy CGF-EP-01 and Procedure CGF-EP-02 for the administration of CGF’s new Ethics Program. The purpose of the Ethics Program, established by the Committee, is to “promote ethical business conduct through open communication and compliance with company ethics and standards.” (CGF’s “Ethical Business Conduct”). The Office of Ethics and Business Conduct was created to administer the Ethics Program. The director of the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct, along with seven ethics officers throughout CGF, was given the responsibility for the following objectives: • Communicate the values, standards, and goals of CGF’s Ethics Program to employees. • Inform employees about company ethics
References: appear on separate page. CGF. “Ethics and Conduct at CGF Airlines.” 5 April 1998. . CGF. “1995 Ethics Hotline Investigation Results.” 5 April 1998. . Ferrell, O. C., and Gareth Gardiner. In Pursuit of Ethics: Tough Choices in the World of Work. Springfield: Smith Collins, 1991. Kelley, Tina. “Corporate Prophets, Charting a Course to Ethical Profits.” The New York Times 8 Feb. 1998: BU12. Navran, Frank. “12 Steps to Building a Best-Practices Ethics Program.” Workforce Sept. 1997: 117–122. 13 Source: The Technical Writer’s Companion (3rd edition) by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002)