Tiara Hutt
December 21, 2013
Tangela Hadley
Formative and summative
Formative assessment is a way teachers formally or informally assess the learning process going on in their classroom to help them modify their teaching strategies to improve student learning. Whereas summative assessment is an end of some kind of period assessment for example an end of unit test, end of the year tests that result in a score.
Formative assessment procedures include using journals, observations, discussions, presentations. This information is used to help students learning, this can be done by feedback if a student writes in their journal and a teacher responds to it this is an example of feedback. There is also curriculum based assessment where standardized goals are set for example oral reading fluency. Teachers can also use observation where a teacher can write down the children’s engagement in activities, write down how a lesson plan went so they can determine if it was effective or not. Portfolios can also be used to show progress of work for example you have a child write about a subject in the beginning of the year then the middle of the year and the end of the year to show their growth in writing. Summative assessment is in alignment with assessment, curriculum and instruction and using assessment that is valid and reliable. When done correctly this assessment provides information about the student’s achievement of specific learning objectives. Some summative assessments are end of unit test is designed right it will tell you what students understood the objectives and which did not. A standardized assessment shows if the student has the state performance and content standards. Portfolios can also be used to also show that children understand the objectives that they should have learned. Summative assessment shows the grade behind a child’s work whereas formative is an informal way to check a students learning.