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In the world that we all live in there are two different types of care systems; foster care mainly in the United States and institutionalizations located more in European countries. Foster care and institutions are very similar, but institutions are more formalized. …show more content…
In institutions children do not receive as much stimulation as they would in a home environment. Not receiving proper stimulation is bad because, the child's neurons will not make proper connections. Not only is proper connections needed for the child, but the neurons myelin sheath won't fully develop. The myelin sheath helps transmit information and signals from one neuron to the next; the researchers found, that compared to a control group, children's “ white matter connectivity diminishes through the uncinate fasciculus region of the brain.” (2007, pg 59) Not only does lack of stimulation affect the brain, but also affects over all …show more content…
An institutional environment has a lot of stress. The stress expressed in institutions effects the way children learn things. It appears to have a negative effect on sensory, cognitive, linguistic, and psychosocial behavior. These aspects seem to be harmed because of the lack of stimulation the neuron connections are not making proper connections. As mentioned in the article, “informational input leads to under specification to circuits and miswireing of circuits within the neurons of the brain”(2007, Pg 60) . Without the proper connections between neurons the children who live in institutional settings will not have great sensory skills; meaning they might be confused when it comes to taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. Our sensory skills are not the only thing affected by institutional rearing but, children's cognitive development does not develop properly. Neurons play a major role in a child's cognitive development because without proper connections children of all ages will not be able to associate with other parts of development. Linguistic development is basically the development of language and speech; children who live in institutions do not properly develop these skills, which make it hard for them to learn good communication. Even children's behavior can be affected by institutional rearing; without correct punishment and reinforcement the child will not learn what is right from wrong, and this can play