Forster set up a lot of common assumptions towards the act of true service and explained them in such detail, that he gave the simplest of points the strongest sense of importance, this was a very strong aspect of his writing. An example of this is his section on self-righteous service versus true service. Foster within this section defines self-righteous service in a very common way, but his use of phrases such as, the "big deal" and gains on its "ecclesiastical scoreboards". Add a fresh outlook and new found importance to the common concept of self-righteous service. Foster does the same thing in his service and humility section. He takes the common viewpoint on humility and expands on it causing the reader to see it in a new light. Foster held a lot of strong points within his writing, so much so the any weakness with in his writing are almost ignored, and quite frankly very difficult to find. I personally found all of Fosters points to be one of importance especially his section on self-righteous service versus …show more content…
For example I serve as a youth intern at my church which means what the youth group needs whether spiritual or physically my door is always open. There were a lot of things I did for my youth group that took a lot of my time and effort, but when it was time for people to be acknowledged for their work I was overlooked. And I was really upset by it, I was furious and wanted to stop doing the things I was doing. I didn't even realize that the way I responded was showing a very self-righteous form of service. A very similar thing occurred within my high school in which myself and 2 other girls lead a bible study after lunch. This was another situation in which my service and efforts were ignored while the other girls received praises and awards for their work. After reading Fosters section on self-righteous service versus true service I have a new outlook on those situations, and in now I realize that I serve because that's what God calls me to do, not because people are going to look at me in a certain way. Because if praises and awards are what I'm looking for I will always be disappointed. Forster's writing was very eye opening to me in several areas. One of those areas being the Yes...But section in which Foster talks about the worry of being taking