Philo 104 – Section Y
Homosexuality and Femininity in the Light of Foucault's Discipline and Punish
September 11, 2012
Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality, demonstrates that the tools of disciplinarity (which emerged in the confluence of critical, historical upheavals immediately preceding the modern age, such as geometric demographic expansion, reconfiguring global financial and mercantile apparatuses, the redefinition of territorial boundaries through global explosion and the ensuring establishments of empires, the adhoc onset of the Industrial Revolution, etc.), upon being brought into proximity to about the only things that presently we are able to bring to it, such as a proclivity towards petty moralizing, our social prejudices, our racial intolerances, the petty agendas of the bourgeoisie – empirical lifestyle enclaves, etc. etc. operate what they have been designed to do, namely the reproliferation, expansion , multiplication, amplification, production of manipulated strategies for administering populations, under the guise of it redounding to the so-called “public interest,” which on the whole underwrite unconscionable amounts of paralysis, social dissatisfaction and numerous suffering.
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Title: Perversions of females and homosexual views in the society driven by the misuse of disciplinarity as reflected in Advertising.
Disciplinarity is conceptualized by Michel Foucault at the historical context of emerging structuralism, the ideology that stresses the elements of a certain culture should not just be look in terms of their individuality but the influence of predominant systems and institutions in the society, which is, the disciplinary institutions. According to that ideology, man is dependent to those interrelations. Examples of modern day disciplinary institutions include religious factions, prisons and asylums, schools,