Japan had been already aware of the retaliation that was made upon the United States, so having Russia enter the mix would also convince Japan of their “inevitability of complete defeat.” Truman even included his perception of Stalin decision to enter the war by realizing the importance of how fast the war will end and prevent more lives to be taken away. He realized that the invasion was an option, but the Japanese would admit to unconditional surrender for it meant a national extinction. This further made Truman convinced that the bomb was necessary in order to save lives in the invasion. http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/30/the-bomb-didnt-beat-japan-stalin-did/ However, Truman was aware of the effects it would have on the Russians’ plans in Manchuria, which was invade and declare war. This event meant that Stalin could “no longer act as a
Japan had been already aware of the retaliation that was made upon the United States, so having Russia enter the mix would also convince Japan of their “inevitability of complete defeat.” Truman even included his perception of Stalin decision to enter the war by realizing the importance of how fast the war will end and prevent more lives to be taken away. He realized that the invasion was an option, but the Japanese would admit to unconditional surrender for it meant a national extinction. This further made Truman convinced that the bomb was necessary in order to save lives in the invasion. http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/30/the-bomb-didnt-beat-japan-stalin-did/ However, Truman was aware of the effects it would have on the Russians’ plans in Manchuria, which was invade and declare war. This event meant that Stalin could “no longer act as a