Euthanasia, whether assisted or voluntary, is the act of merciful killing and its purpose is to end suffering and pain of a patients terminal illness or injury. In two states physician assisted suicide is legal. The difference between euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is in euthanasia – the healthcare provider actually does end the patients’ life. In physician-assisted suicide – the physician provides the patients with the means to perform the suicide themselves. Ethically, many principles need to be considered when options of euthanasia arise. Firstly, it is illegal in the United States, and secondly, it is considered against many ethical codes for a healthcare professional or provider to end life. The principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, and autonomy are three primary principles considered when the end of life for the patient is approaching. Healthcare professionals and healthcare providers should consider their state regulatory board limitations of practice and also code of ethics before allowing or assisting in euthanasia of patients despite their request. An analysis of ethical principles with respect to euthanasia of patients reveals that healthcare professionals and healthcare providers have to maintain nonmaleficence, beneficence and respect autonomy when making decisions and recommendations to their patients and their care.…