One major advantage of FPTP system is that it excludes extremist parties from gaining seats within the House of Commons; as a result of, most of the extremist parties have support in concentrated geographical locations . FPTP allows more immediate/direct communication of complaints, and ideas, brought to the House of Commons by your MP representative. These members of parliament act as messengers to the Prime Minster, just as the Governor General is the messenger to the queen . Finally, FPTP is a simple system that everyone can understand, or easily come to learn. A valid vote consists of one check mark beside your candidate, and is very easy for the electoral officials to tally
One major advantage of FPTP system is that it excludes extremist parties from gaining seats within the House of Commons; as a result of, most of the extremist parties have support in concentrated geographical locations . FPTP allows more immediate/direct communication of complaints, and ideas, brought to the House of Commons by your MP representative. These members of parliament act as messengers to the Prime Minster, just as the Governor General is the messenger to the queen . Finally, FPTP is a simple system that everyone can understand, or easily come to learn. A valid vote consists of one check mark beside your candidate, and is very easy for the electoral officials to tally