Fracking Or Hydraulic Fracturing?
I am not for Hydraulic Fracturing because it can get into my water. If it does my family and me could all get poisoned or have a health isue. But it might not just be mine it will get into our friends or other relatives. Another bad thing is that when the natural gas come up it will pollut the earth and poison our air around us. It is also highly flamable. Lets say my family and I are camping and we set a fire. All the fires around us and ours will burst up and burn us or catch us on fire. Some people like to throw little bombs. If that bomb has smoke come out it might and I said might not will but might go be apart of the gas and some air might turn purple. Fracking could cause earth quakes or if where they are fracking and there is a dam
down there it could break and cause a tsunami or a whole lot of water going down your road or street. Fracking is one of the most dangerous things I know and after you read this I hope you have learned something from this.