1534 As the Portuguese were pushing their explorers around the coast of Africa to find a route to the treasures of China and the Far East, there were many now convinced that Columbus had a great idea in searching for a shorter way by sailing west. Not everyone however, was certain that the world really was round. Except for Spain, the rulers of Europe saw no advantage in exploring the islands or landmasses found by Columbus. France made a try to find this passage to the East. This time, King Francis I sent yet another Italian, Giovanni da Verrazano from Florence, in 1524 to make a try. He first made landfall a little north of where the Spanish had settled in St. Augustine. He then sailed north along the Atlantic coast before returning to France. Though Verrazano failed in his stated objective—for the simple reason that no such passage exists at the latitudes where he was looking—he did find that the newly discovered land mass was continuous for quite a long distance. …show more content…
That is until ten years later, when King Francis commissioned Jacques Cartier to search again for the long sought sea passage to the Far East. In the spring of 1534, Cartier reached the jagged northern coast of the new continent, and the Breton mariner discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Cartier’s two ships began sailing across the gulf exploring the western coast of Newfoundland, naming the many capes and harbors he encountered. He then set a westward course once again. In the Gulf, Cartier discovered a number of small islands covered with wild fowl and fine trees and meadows. He wrote about fields of wild oats, flowers, berries and herbs, and waters teaming with fish and a most unusual water animal with enormous elephant