The coachman smiled, "Relax, harming you is not our goal. It is not worth getting harm over money, just exit the coach, hand us your wallet, and you'll be free …show more content…
to continue on your way. Five men are exceeding what you can handle and you aware of it." Lucinda: "Be careful, I'm just starting with my magic, and It is not my wish to accidentally harm you or them," and she pointed to the riders. The coachman laughed, "You lack magic power, lad, you have arrived on the Logical World ship today. Where you come from, there is no magic, and it is common knowledge.”
The large man with the unsightly scar said, "Enough to play Robert, simply kill the lad, time for amusement and beer, I'm thirsty." Unfortunately, he means what he says, she was considering, she realized that for her the struggle is for life and death and with closed eyes and chanted: "Corpus tuum custodiat." Immediately an aura of pale blue light hovered on her, at this instant, the coachman approached and made several attempts to catch her in order drag her out of the carriage, without success due to the aura of blue light that protect her. His entire body and face twisted and jerked out of frustration and outrage, "Cute et defensionem." he chanted.
The coachman's spell will break down her spell It was only a matter of time before that would happen, he winced with outrage and disdain, and Lucinda realized that if he could penetrate her circle of defense, she would not live to see another day. The option to yield to their requests and turn over her money, with the possibility of them letting her go does not exist anymore. If this option ever existed.
In one of her letters, Phykora wrote that the White Magic Force would immediately send her assistance if she found herself in desperate need. She also cautioned her to utilize the White Magic Force just on the off chance it was her only option and advised her to solve problems through her spell knowledge first.
Closing her eyes, Lucinda whispered, "White Magic, I ask you to please send me help.", nothing happened, and she reiterated and repeated the same appeal, again and again, the coachman in the meantime kept on repeating his spell, "Cute et defensionem" over and over.
All of a sudden Lucinda heard a thunderous sound, and a bold flash of lightning appeared in the distance. In the dense vegetation, deep in the back road, she heard a mighty roar and the growl of an enormously vast body traveling through the surrounding forest. Suddenly a thunderous growling from deep in the woods and all of a sudden a mighty creature, four times larger than the size of a wolf, appeared from the forest. At once, all of them froze and stopped their actions suddenly. The creature's thick black fur was bristling and constituted a threat and a warning when approaching. Apparently, the brigands realized that the beast was so tremendous and demonic and as a result, they surrendered all idea of battling it. There was only one hope remains for them, and it was to find a safe hiding place in the forest; therefore they fled immediately, quickly and without delay. Apparently, without further thought, neither about the lad or the money, they only thought about their escape and their fear of the mighty creature.
The appearance of the creature alarmed the horses, and they began to gallop, trying to escape. How to respond? There were two options for her to opt, and both were dreadful: If she would stay in the coach, it might be crash, and this could kill her but if she would jump the creature will catch her. Before she could decide what action required, she heard a magical music tone in the distance coming from the thick forest which affected the horses immediately, and they calmed down and stopped running.
Grateful that the horses stopped running away, mixed emotions overcome Lucinda for fear of the creature that was approaching the coach and frightened her, under those circumstances, she had no idea what to expect or which action to take. Should she stay in the coach, not knowing what would happen, hoping that the creature would return to the forest?
The creature approached the carriage slowly but not in a harmful way, his appearance had taken on a relaxed different look, as he approached the coach.
The thick black fur was no longer bristle, he wasn't baring his teeth in anger threatening Lucinda, and he stops growling; as a result, Lucinda's fear diminished, "Maybe it is not a harmful animal after all." But the closer the creature approached the carriage, the harder it became for her be positive and not get into a panic. The beast still maintained his frightening and monstrous appearance. He reached a distance of two yards of the carriage, he sat on its hind legs and peered through the side window into the carriage looking directly into Lucinda's eyes.
The giant wolf-like black creature was so close that she could detect a red discoloration on his massive black nose. Although it appears horrendous, it did not attempt to attack her. One detail that did not fit into the monstrous scenario was the fact that even though the magical music stopped the horses remained utterly relaxed. From familiarity with horses, she knew that calm horses next to a monster predator did not indicate danger. The creature's eyes were bright, and she could tell he was intelligent when she stared straight into his eyes, she had a strange feeling that he was trying to give her a …show more content…
Then something strange and wondrous happened, the creature began to move its head from side to side at a fantastic speed. The beast was changing its dimensions; also its body coloring began to change. Starting with his legs, chest, and belly and even parts of his nose turned from black to white, and finally a white area between his eyes.
All the sights and sounds around Lucinda began to mingle, all the sounds and sights that are normal to the surrounding forest the sounds of the horses, the wind among the trees, the view of the vegetation on the side of the road.
Mixed with all this standard input to Lucinda's senses were also the transformation of the creature which could have all kinds of explanations and descriptions, but it was assuredly not a normal phenomenon. "I must be dreaming," Lucinda thought, she could not believe her eyes, even so, everything seemed so real, it looks that everything was happening in slow motion but in reality, everything happened very fast. Suddenly it was all over, everything becomes entirely standard, with one significant difference, in front of her, at the same spot no longer stood the giant horrifying creature; instead, she saw a shepherd dog with black and white fur.
The dog that must have forgotten he had been a monster a few minutes earlier started jumping in front of her and encouraging her to play, Lucinda began to play with him ignoring what he was just a few minutes ago. "Maybe you understand what I'm saying, after all, you are truly a magical creature," Lucinda thought while looking into his intelligent eyes. "There is no doubt that this is the magical help that the White Magic sent." She remembered the shepherd dogs that frequently run around the vast sheep herds near the palace.
The dogs guarding the herds of sheep near the palace were similar to this one who
is playing in front of her. The shepherds guarding the sheep near the castle belong to the Zuni tribe. "You are my first friend in this new world of sorcery and your name from now will be Zuni." Lucinda picked him up and carried him to the carriage and started driving the horses back into town.