I realized I couldn't trust any, not even myself. Anyone I trusted could turn on me to benefit themselves, and I have the horrible ability to do the same to others. Through analyzing my thoughts I formulated a question. When people change is it for the better or just for self-interest? From reading The Curious Case of Self-Interest: Inconsistent Effects and Ambivalence toward a Widely Accepted Construct by Anita Kim, self-interest is the number one thing that motivates human …show more content…
The answer is yes, in the database Curious Case of Self-Interest: Inconsistent Effects and Ambivalence toward a Widely Accepted Construct by Anita Kim. Kim has proven that there are three perspectives of the way people have self-interest. This is shocking to me because going back to my personal connection I never would have thought people would turn on one another like Ishmael did Danny which is similar to the way Navy tricked Steven to benefit for herself. This has shown me that self-interest is the main factor that even operates on to see what can benefit themselves not caring about how it can affect others around them. Which makes us all seem like a bunch self-centered narcissist, only thinking about what is in it for