However, recent time has witnessed a numbers of misuses of the freedom as well as the reasonable restrictions by vested interest to suit their interest. People who do division/religion/caste based politics have caused the greatest harm by speaking. Common wisdom on the notion of freedom of speech and expression is that we are free to say or express anything we want as long as our speech/expression does not impinge upon the ‘fundamental freedoms’ of others. The idea is that one’s freedom of speech or expression must not cause ‘harm’ to others. This sort of reasoning leaves much
However, recent time has witnessed a numbers of misuses of the freedom as well as the reasonable restrictions by vested interest to suit their interest. People who do division/religion/caste based politics have caused the greatest harm by speaking. Common wisdom on the notion of freedom of speech and expression is that we are free to say or express anything we want as long as our speech/expression does not impinge upon the ‘fundamental freedoms’ of others. The idea is that one’s freedom of speech or expression must not cause ‘harm’ to others. This sort of reasoning leaves much