In Brooklyn a new phenomenon has begun, where they literally are living by eating food from the dumpsters. You should think that they are doing it because of economical issues, but that’s not always the case, some are doing it to reuse the stuff and not supporting the American corporations, who in their perspectives are destroying the planet. They are environment extremist who sends their message to the world by reusing the food, and they go under the name, Freegans.
Before we start judging the so-called Freegans, we need to understand why they are doing it, and what their message is. The global warming has become a very popular topic in the postmodern society, especially since the vice president Al Gore gave his presentation about the global warming. His presentation has affected a lot of people, and we have as each individual reacted differently, some chose to changed their car to an electric car, and some replaced oil with solar energy for their houses, and now the people has found a new way to save the environment, reusing food.
The Freegans has started to get acceptance from the American people, when they get more food than they can eat, they often take the extra food into the subway and give out the food to the poor. When the Freegans are making anti capitals moves such as taking the food from the rich, and give it to the poor. The Robin Hood effect signals a clear message to the American people, and even the retailers has begun to segregate the food, and letting the Freegans know when they take the trash out.
Can you become a happier person by becoming an environmental person? What better way to show the Americans than a normal American becoming an environmental person will make you more happy, healthier and saving the environment. His quest was to show the world that you can make a difference as an individual, and you don’t have to own a big company or have a lot of money to save the environment. He didn’t take