Traditionally, people used to value religious teachings as the latter used to offer guidance on the way forward especially on issues to do with morality. People used to recognize God as the absolute and primary source of moral principles, something which enhanced social coexistence. However, slowly people started moving away from their traditional beliefs and faiths to a point that Nietzsche argued that they could not recognize God as they had already killed him. “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.” (Nietzsche 67) Literally, people have killed God in their minds and no longer …show more content…
God’s “death” is still ongoing considering that the modern society seems to be engaging in activities that represent absence of religious values such as honesty and integrity, which are normally associated with Christianity. Many people have become individualistic in nature something which has contributed to the escalating levels of immorality. The modern society seems to take religious teaching for granted and lack meaning in conventional moral principles. People should therefore be weary of the repercussions
of killing God as this might result to social disorder. As Nietzsche asks, “...why is it that even we look forward to the approaching gloom without any worry and fear for ourselves?” (Nietzsche 68) the modern society needs to be cautious when it comes to upholding moral principles especially those advanced through Christianity and other conventional religious institutions.