Transportation is the movement of goods or people from one place to another. Improved transportation technology has reduced the time taken to transport, goods, materials, people and products from one place to another. Countries have built efficient transportation infrastructures such as highways, railways, seaports and airports to make it more efficient for goods and people to move around easily. With having improved transportation technology, shorter time is taken for travel and it will put a greater ease on transporting people and goods.
TNCs is also one of the driving forces of globalisation. TNCs are large global firms that operate in a number of countries and have production or service facilities outside the contry of their origin such as Microsoft Corporation and Toyota Motor. TNCs set up their operations in different locations because they want to access new markets and also to enjoy lower cost productions such as sourcing for the supply of the components from around the world and assembling the final products in countries where production costs are low. Another key driving forces of globalisation is Communication. Communicaton systems are mean by which information is transmitted from one place to another place in the form of ideas, instructions and images. An example is electronic mail, where it eases the coordination and control for business activities across continents. Improvement in communication has however made communications among different locations more faster and more convenient.
Impacts of globalisation.
Economic Effects.
- Improved Standard of Living, Widening of Income Gap and Increasing in competitions among nations.
Improvement in Standard of Living.
When countries have more trade and foreign investments, they earn more revenue. The government can make use of the revenue for housing, defence, transportation,