“One of the most beautiful qualities of a true friendship is to understand and to be understood” (Lucius Annaeus Seneca). Of Mice and Men is an inspiring book about two best friends traveling together to complete their dream of owning an acre of land with a small shack that can be called their own. These two men stick together through thick and thin as they conquer their difficulties together as their bond of friendship grows stronger. In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Candy, Lennie, and George use friendship to overcome harsh circumstances. First, Friendship helps Candy feel like he has a purpose in life. Candy was an elderly person that had been working on the farm for many years with his dog by his …show more content…
Lennie was mentally challenged so when his aunt passed away George took him under his wing and showed him how to survive the tough obstacles life threw at him. George told Slim “ Lennie just come along with me workin got kinda used to each other after a little while.” (Steinbeck 40). Later George stated “If there's any fights Lennie you keep out of it. I don't want no fights Lennie.” (Steinbeck 55). In the end of the novel George remembered Candy’s regret of letting someone else shoot his old friend. “I ought to of shot my dog myself, George. I shouldn't have let no stranger shoot my dog.” (Steinbeck 61). George reflected on what Candy said and realized he didn't want to go through the regret and betrayal to his best friend as Candy did to his. These quotes show how strong of friendship Lennie and George have since George feels the responsibility to look after Lennie, and be the best he could for him. This is important for society to take into consideration because it helps people create greater bonds between people. The intense bond between Lennie and George shows how important friendship is in one's life as it helps to overcome