After a while she came to the conclusion that us humans were doing something wrong. The reason to this hypothesis is because amphibians had been adapting to new challenges all the time weather it would be on land or water and even both,but all of a sudden they were no longer capable.This was the most adapting creature in the world and it was dying could this be a sign that a major catastrophe was going to happen.Kelbert wrote “amphibians are among the world's great survivors. The Ancestors of these reptiles crawled out of the water some four hundred million years ago”(Kolbert 9). Furthermore, Kolbert explains that amphibians have been around for about four hundred million years ago. This is very important for us to know because we are doing something wrong ,and we need to figure out what it is in order for things to continue the same,and so we can change our ways of living.Although zombie films can get people's attention, they can relate to the sixth extinction, because of world disorder,but most zombie films fail to explain the importance of preventing such …show more content…
A book Titled, Global Warming in the 21 Century, by Juliana M.Cossia,talks about the long term effects of global warming and how they can impact our world.Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in 1750 global warming temperatures have risen up, Due to factories and power plants,and eventually cars;and burning of oil and coal.Carbon dioxide and other chemical gases go on to the atmosphere. Global warming had already been happening naturally but us humans have ascended the average temperature up. Carbon dioxide and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space,but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter.Some effects that the earth can face are Disease pressure on crops and domestic animals will likely increase with earlier springs and warmer winters, which will allow higher survival rates of pathogens and parasites (Cossia 9). In other words Global warming can increase the lifespan of pathogens Which can result in the increase of sickness and the increase of lost lives due to Bacteria,Viruses,and Fungi.This can relate to zombie films because of the disasters in films and the infectious diseases that the zombies pass on.In many