With both sides in possession of nuclear weapons, the fear of a war was very real. If one side could success fully obliterate the opposition, without being obliterated themselves, would win. However, as more and more nuclear weapons were being made, both sides realized, there would be no winner. Still, both tried to push their government style on other countries. The often would do this in a way to “one up” their size, and potential new ways they could use if a war broke out. Many communists in America were discriminated and hated. Some were even killed. Lee Harvey Oswald was very communist. His defection to Russia was to escape not only democracy, but also the hate he received for being communist. (Auto-biography) his love for communism started at age 10, where he studied socialism and communistic ideas for 5 years before joining a communistic youth group. He then tried to persuade others to join, but most refused. After his return to the US, he tried to move to Cuba, due to their communistic dictatorships. When the US denied him, he moved to Mexico in a attempt to get a visa for Cuba or the soviet union. He ended up failing at getting any visas. He returned to Dallas and then a few months later, shot the president.…