Jeanelle is a 7 year old who, lives with her mother and younger brother. She takes part in afternoon programs and activities in the community. Janelle’s mom is employed full time outside of the home. She spends a lot of time with her grandfather and other family members. She is interested in Girls Scouts and loves the sport of Gymnastics. Jeanelle has attended the same elementary school from first through third Grade. Currently, Jeanelle attends school and she has not missed any school days as noted by mother and teachers. Jeanelle’s mom received a note from the classroom teacher that she needs to read more with her daughter to improve her reading scores. She is having problems reading some of the passages in the books …show more content…
The process will be used to define the behavior, learn about the off tasks issues, look for antecedents, look at attempted interventions that were used to assist her earlier, and identify strengths and skills that Jeanelle will need to use to reduce occurrences. The functional assessment will include interviews with all teachers and her parent. Jeanelle completed the Forced Choice Survey with the examiner. This report contains the details of the assessment and behavior plan activated to assist Jeanelle …show more content…
The purpose of the interview was to also to learn about Jeanelle’s strengths, identify behaviors of concern, and better understand the environmental variables that Jeanelle’s teachers feel make be influencing the transitioning problems from one activity to the next. The transition problem happened also while Jeanelle was completing her reading assignments. When it was time to transition from one aspect of the reading to another part, it took her three times as long other children to start her new