Many people buy goods and services with credit cards, yet credit cards are not included in definitions of the money supply. The reason is that when you buy something with a credit card, you are in effect taking out a loan from the bank that issued the credit card. Only when you pay your credit card bill at the end of the month is the transaction complete.
* Interest rate The cost of borrowing funds, usually expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed. * Supply and Demand for Money- The supply of money is what gives each dollar its value. Everything is equal, which means the great the supply, the lesser the value. * Bond prices and interest rate- Similar to an I.O.U. Interest rates are the money added to what is borrowed.
* Banking * Functional reserve banking system- the banking practice in which only a fraction of a bank's demand deposits are kept as reserves (cash and other highly liquid assets) available for withdrawal. * Creation of Money (Money multiplier effect) - The expansion of a country's money supply that results from banks being able to lend. The size of the multiplier effect depends on the percentage of deposits that banks are required to hold as reserves. In other words, it is money used to create more money and is calculated by dividing total bank deposits by the reserve requirement. * Regulation of banks - a form of government regulation which subject banks to certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines.
*******Minimum requirements- Requirements are imposed on banks in order to promote the objectives of the regulator. The most important minimum requirement in banking regulation is maintaining minimum capital ratios.*********** * Financial Panics- events during which bank depositors attempt to withdraw their deposits, equity holders sell stock, and market participants in general seek to liquefy their assets.
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - an independent agency of the US federal government created to preserve and promote public confidence in the US banking system. The FDIC was created by Congress in 1933 as part of the Glass-Steagall Act. The primary activity of the FDIC is to ensure deposits against loss due to bank insolvency. The FDIC insures certain types of account including checking accounts, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit, up to a total of $100,000 per depositor, and accounts held jointly as well as retirement accounts, can also separately be insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. * U.S. Federal Reserve – The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve implements U.S. monetary policy. * Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - An Act To provide for the establishment of Federal reserve banks, to furnish an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes. * Regional Federal Reserve District Bank – This is what is used to identify the Federal Reserve bank in that specific region.
* Governing Body – The persons who make up a body for the purpose of administering something. * Board of Directors - A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. * Federal Open Market Committee - The branch of the Federal Reserve Board that determines the direction of monetary policy. The FOMC is composed of the board of governors, which has seven members, and five reserve bank presidents. The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York serves continuously, while the presidents of the other reserve banks rotate their service of one-year terms. * Board of Directors of the Regional Federal Reserve Banks – A group comprised of the directors of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks in the United States. * Policy Tools - These are practical resources that help you access and make the best use of evidence in the development and evaluation of policy. * Reserve Requirements - The Reserve Requirements (or Cash Reserve Ratio) is a Central bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each Commercial bank must hold to customer deposits and notes. * Discount Rate - The interest rate that an eligible depository institution is charged to borrow short-term funds directly from a Federal Reserve Bank. * Open Market Operation/ Federal Funds Rate - The interest rate that the borrowing bank pays to the lending bank to borrow the funds is negotiated between the two banks, and the weighted average of this rate across all such transactions is the federal funds effective rate. * Lags in Monetary Policy - It is the delay in implementation of a monetary policy.
* Liquidity Trap - A situation in which prevailing interest rates are low and savings rates are high, making monetary policy ineffective. In a liquidity trap, consumers choose to avoid bonds and keep their funds in savings because of the prevailing belief that interest rates will soon rise. Because bonds have an inverse relationship to interest rates, many consumers do not want to hold an asset with a price that is expected to decline.
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