Tutorial WEEK 3
Identify the function used (examples of sentence) 1. Referential
The party is going to start at 8 pm 2. Emotive
Oh, really? What a surprise! 3. Conative
Patrick, you should be there at 7.45 pm sharp. You have to prepare as you’ll give the opening speech in front of us later. 4. Phatic
Hello? Hello Patrick, are you still there? 5. Metalingual
Our friends had agreed that the dress code for tonight is casual attire with Hawaii’s theme and compulsory for everybody to bring a hand fan. 6. Poetic
Okay, it sounds weird for me to hear but it might be awesome later. Oh, I can’t wait to you guys tonight.
Based on my understanding on the notes below.
Explain briefly what each property means and provide example
Each factor is the focal point of an oriented relation, or function, that operates between the message and the factor. This yields six functions:
Factors of communication and functions of language Target factor and function no. | TARGET FACTOR | SOURCE FACTOR | FUNCTION | 1 | Context | Message | Referential | 2 | Addresser | Message | Emotive | 3 | Addressee | Message | Conative | 4 | Contact | Message | Phatic | 5 | Code | Message | Metalingual | 6 | Message | Message | Poetic |
Briefly, these six functions can be described as follows:
"(1) the referential function is oriented toward the context (the dominant function in a message like 'Water boils at 100 degrees'); (2) the emotive function is oriented toward the addresser (as in the interjections 'Bah!' and 'Oh!'); (3) the conative function is oriented toward the addressee (imperatives and apostrophes); (4) the phatic function serves to establish, prolong or discontinue communication [or confirm whether the contact is still there] (as in 'Hello?'); (5) the metalingual function is used to establish mutual agreement on the code (for example, a definition); (6) the poetic function (e.g., 'Smurf'), puts 'the focus on the message