Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART – A (10 X 2 = 20 marks)
(1) Why computer is known as data processor?
(2) What is cache memory? How is it different from primary memory?
(3) Different between web page and web site.
(4) What is the difference between interpreter and compiler?
(5) What are the rules for pseudocode?
(6) Write algorithm to print biggest of three numbers.
(7) What is the purpose of main()?
(8) What is an argument? Differentiate between formal arguments and actual arguments.
(9) How a variable is declared to be a pointer?
(10) Why use arrays?
PART –B (5X16=80marks)
11 a) i) Explain in detail the characteristics of Computers. (8) ii) Discuss in detail the classification of computers. (8) (OR)
b)Write short notes on:
i) Menory of a computer ii) Secondary storage devices. (8+8)
12 a) Discuss about the different steps involved in the software development. (16) (OR)
b) How the software are classified? Explain each with relevant example. (16)
13.a) What is the difference between an algorithm and pseudocode? Also write an Algorithm and pseudocode for solving a quadratic equation. (16) (OR)
b) i) Explain any eight formatting features with suitable example. (8) ii) Explain application of software packages. (8)
14. a)