1) What does a professional programmer usually do first to gain an understanding of a problem?
A professional programmer will work with the customer to see what the problem is.
2) What is pseudocode? Pseudocode is an informal language that has no syntax rules, and is not meant to be compiled or executed.
3) Computer programs typically perform what three steps?
Input, process is performed on the input and Output is produced.
4) What does the term "user-friendly mean?
User-friendly means easy to understand.
Algorithm Workbench
1) Tell user to enter his/her height
2) Have user enter his/her height
3) Store the value in variable called height
1) Tell user to enter his/her favorite color
2) Have user enter his/her favorite color
3) Store the value in variable called color
Programming Exercise
1)Display “Enter your name”
Input name
Display “Enter your address, with city state and ZIP”
Input address, with city state and ZIP
Display “Enter street address”
Input streetAddress
Display “My address is streetAddres, city, state, zipCode
Display “Enter your telephone number”
Input telephone number
Display “Enter college major”
Input collegeMajor
Display “My phone number is”, telephoneNumber
Display “My college major is”, collegeMajor
2) Display "Enter projected amount of the total sales"
Input totalSales
Set percent = .23 profit = totalSales * percent
Display "My total profit is ", profit
3) Display "Enter total square feet of land: "
Input total square feet
Set acre = 43560
Display "My Total acres is ", totalsquarefeet/Acre
4) Display “Enter the price of item1”
Input item1
Display “Enter the price of item2”
Input item2
Display “Enter the price of Item3”
Input item3
Display “Enter the price of Item4”
Input item4
Display “Enter the price of Item5”
Input item5
Set subtotal= item1+ item2 + item3 + item4 +item5
Display “The subtotal for the 5 items is”, subtotal
Set salesTax = .06