1. Display Input student name and test scores screen 2. Prompt for Student name 3. Prompt scores 4. Perform calculations 5. Provide student names, scores and total
1. Student Name 2. Test Scores
1. Display Student name, scores and total
Declare StudentName as string
Declare Test1 as integer
Declare Test2 as integer
Declare Test3 as integer
Open “GRADES” For Output As TestScores Set Test1, Test2, Test3 = 0 Write “Enter students name and test scores.” Write “Enter ZZZ for students name when finished.” Input StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 While StudentName “ZZZ” Write TestScores, StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 Write “Enter students name and test scores.” Write “Enter ZZZ for students name when finished.” Input StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 End While Close TestScores
2. Display the contents of the file GRADES created in Problem 1. Each student’s record should appear on a separate line and include the total score (the sum of the three tests) for that student. For example, a line of output might be as follows:
R. Abrams 76 84 82 242
Declare Sum as integer
Open “GRADES” For Input As TestScores
While Not (TestScores) Read TestScores, StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 Add Test1 + Test2 + Test3 = Sum Write StudentName, “ “, Test1, Test2, Test3, Sum
End While
Close TestScores
Declare Sum as integer
Open “GRADES” For Input As TestScores
While Not (TestScores) Read TestScores, Abrams, 76, 84,82, Add 76 + 84 + 82 = 242 Write “Abrams 84, 82, 76, 242”
End While
Close TestScores
Expected Output: