
Funny Proposition After All

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Funny Proposition After All
Life is a Funny Proposition After All Analysis
Nazrin Aliyeva

The song written by George H. Cohan, "Life's A Very Funny Proposition After All", invites the listener to think about the ultimate question of life: “Why we're here and what this life is all about?” The First Philosophy is very relevant in the song. What will happen to me? Why are we here? In 1904, the year the song was released, people still are not able to truly answer a supposedly simple question and we cannot in the modern world either. Cohan explains in the last line of the first stanza that we will all, essentially, die, and he restates this a couple of times throughout the song. In Stoicism, time is the most precious commodity and therefore we must value it and live in the present. Living in the moment can refer to mindfulness.When you become mindful, you realize that you are not your thoughts; you become an observer of your thoughts from the moment you stop judging them. Mindful people are happier due to the cultivation of a nonjudgmental awareness of the present.
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Three meals a day, a whole lot to say, When you haven't got the coin, You're always in the way, ” is connected to Emile Durkheim's Anomie. Society’s lack of support and social standards have made it difficult to live a whole and pure. Jealousy emerges when we see something we want but cannot have it. Hypocrisy arises when we do not enjoy the simple pleasures and things in life we have and focus on the things others possess. Imagination is a curse that allows us to think of ways to commit crimes when society fails us. With the absence of support from society, an individual cannot simply enjoy life and work hard believing it will get

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