Jo shmoo
April 30, 2013
Lee brook
Furlough 2013
It’s April 2, 2013 and I am on a countdown to be furloughed at my job! The economy in the United States is in dire need of help as we speak. Congress has asked for a furlough of government employees like myself and it is coming sooner then we know it. A furlough is a temporary unpaid leave of some employees due to special needs of a company, which may be due to economic conditions at the specific employer or in the economy as a whole. These involuntary furloughs may be short or long term, and many of those affected may seek other temporary employment during that time.
I am a Federal Canine Officer for the department of homeland security. This topic I am writing about affects me in so many ways. I was told last month during all the economic fiscal crisis talks that we would be furloughed affective April 20th 2013 until possibly August 2013. This event is affecting me because I am losing one day a week at work and I am being cut down from five, 8 hour shifts with possible overtime to four, 8 hours shifts with no chance of overtime. I never really understood much about furloughs or shall I say never really paid attention to it because it never had a direct effect on me, but now it’s that burden on my back I have to live with.
Being an American citizen/ Government employee I understand we will make sacrifice’s for our country. I’ve been in the U.S Army for 11 years now and am now currently serving as an Army Reservist. I was told my Military income would be safe along with any VA benefits I receive. Now that news is great but my major source of income is my federal officer position. It’s the bread and butter of my income and to have it cut down is a big knife to my wallet. Not only is it about money, but the job I provide for the department of homeland security requires repetitive training with me and my canine. All training as of right now is suspended due to budget cuts, supplies we