This lead nurses to be part of the multidisciplinary team responding to improve safe delivery of high quality care in the area of change. Therefore, nurses are the main driver of implementing the PSI, as a future nurse, it is a duty to make the care and safety of patient needs are identified, assessed and reciprocate, respect their dignity is preserved, upheld their right, avoid any discriminatory behaviours towards those receiving care are challenge (NMC 2015/16).
For a future nurse, it is significant to illustrate transformational leadership style when introducing change will reinforce effective communication with staffs who are resistance to change (Fronda and Moriceau 2008; Parkin 2009; Wright 2010). This includes , taking reasonable steps when implementing new change, avoid the use of jargon in leaflets, use a simple appropriate terms that patients, colleagues and public can understand will contributes to sustain a successful change (NMC 2015). It is the duty, of future nurse to acknowledge and comply with strategies and policies to aware of one's own limitation in practice and challenge bad practice to promote safe high quality patient care (NMC 2015). This will reduce patient complaints or claims and prevent re-catheterisation and save money for NHS that will spent in improving and maximising patient outcomes NHS institute for innovation and improvement (NHS