August 9th 2014
The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing
When considering the impact on nursing due to the report on The Future of Nursing (IOM report, 2010), the need for increased nursing education becomes even more relevant. The nursing profession constitutes the largest segment of the medical field. Thus, nursing will undoubtedly have a vital role in the development of the medical field. However, according to the IOM report, “A number of barriers prevent nurses from being able to respond effectively to rapidly changing healthcare setting and the evolving health care system” (IOM report, 2010). …show more content…
Due to these barriers, the IOM tasks the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to conduct a study and make recommendations on how the nursing profession can have an impact on the developments of the medical field. The recommendations provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation included four key messages: “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training, Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression, Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States, Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2011).
By promoting further education from the associate’s degree to the BSN, MSN, and doctorates degree level, the nursing profession will be better equipped to facilitate the partnership of nurses, physicians, and other professionals to redesign health care.
The IOM report also suggests that the care a nurse provides in today’s world, as well as in the future, involves complex critical decisions and care for seriously ill patients. These increased demands along with innovative technology used for patient care only increase the level of education, training, and requirements for a nurse. Furthermore, the education will help nurse’s be better, “equipped them with competencies to be able to take part in information of health policies, financing decisions, leadership, and quality improvement (IOM report 2010). The increasing number of baccalaureate prepared nurses will translate into increased numbers of MSN’s, and doctorates prepared nurses. These nurses will fill the ever-growing demand for providers and researchers across the profession. To answer the call of the IOM, the AACN is developing a new position called the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL). The CNL will be a master’s degree level nurse and will, “oversee the care, coordination for patients, assess risks, develop quality improvement strategies, facilitate interprofessional communication, and implement evidence-based solutions at the point of care” (AACN, …show more content…
Impact on nursing practice Due to the 2010 affordable care act, the healthcare profession is in need of drastic change. The medical field is faced with finding new and innovative ways to provide quality primary care as opposed to just specialty care. There is a shift in need for more community care. Due to sheer numbers and quality advanced education, nurses can have a massive impact on the need for advancement in the healthcare profession and can aid the need for more affordable healthcare. Due to inconsistencies from state to state on things like policies, scope of practice, legal barriers, cultural barriers, and regulations, the nurse is hindered from operating at their fullest extent. The combined efforts of the IOM and the RWJF has provided us many recommendations in an attempt to correct these inconsistencies. These constraints must be lifted to provide nurses the opportunities they need to facilitate the need for change.
Personally, I have begun to see this need for change as I have transition myself back into the hospital environment. I found that to provide the greatest impact and facilitate the needs of the patient, I need to advance my education level. As a result, I’ve enrolled in the RN- BSN program and hope to one day graduate with a master’s degree. I have only just begun my transition back into the hospital setting, and have not yet become a member of any organizations. However, as I become more aware of the needs for these organizations, I will be sure to become more active as I can see the needs are increasing. At this juncture in my career I feel like I would best serve as a nurse educator. I have many acquired trauma, procedural, and acute care skills throughout my career and would love the opportunity to contribute by teaching.
Strong leadership is paramount to enable the Nurse’s role in the transformation of the healthcare system.
The IOM report states the, “nursing leader must be able to translate new research findings to the practice environment and into nursing education and from nursing education into practice and policy” (IOM report, 2010). A leader must possess the ability to collaborate and work in full partnership with physicians as well as other members of the healthcare profession. A leader must ensure involvement with committees and boards where policies and decisions are made. Thus, providing nurses a voice in the decision-making process of improving healthcare
By increasing nurse’s education levels, nurses will be able to collaboratively work with physicians and other healthcare professionals. You will be able to provide nurses a voice in decision-making committees. You are able to lead, research, and discover new strategies to better facilitate cost-effective care of the patients, not just in an acute care setting, but in the community as well.
Institute of Medicine. (2010).The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Retrieved from
American Association of Colleges of Nurses. (2011). 2011 Annual report shaping the future of nursing education. Retrieved from
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2011). Initiative on the future of nursing. Retrieved from