July 14, 2013
The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
We are in a decade of change, as nurses we are set to be challenge on many levels in order to face these challenges we must all prepared. Recently the Institute of Medicine, 2010 (IOM, 2010) released a report on the future of nursing; its content outlines in great detail what changes will take place. A collaboration of many offered their expertise in and out of the field of nursing and how the following three areas may be enhanced or completely changed. This writer will attempt to give a single perspective on the issues of Education, leadership and practice and how they may be transformed over the next decade.
The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
There have been many discussions by the IOM over the years about the impact of nurses on the care of patients and the obvious need for change. The pending arrival of the affordable care act (ACA) has propelled many of those changes to the forefront; we must remain steadfast in our goal to provide quality care to that patient who depends on us. When the implementation of transformation becomes not only a report but reality can and will it free us as patient care providers to offer a more advanced method of care?
Transforming Education
This initial goal will remain intact according to the opinion of the IOM report, that all nurses must be prepared to meet a diverse patient population. With that goal in mind the report indicates that educational requirements for the registered nurse (RN) will ultimately be geared towards higher degree attainment by the practicing nurse. Currently the pathways that are in place to obtain a nursing degree will not change but the nurse will be placed on a course to continue their education goals beyond that of and associate degree (ADN). The goal will be to enhance the programs in place and prepare the student nurse for a place in
References: Institute of Medicine, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act HR 3590 [Press release]. (2010, )