The reason that embryonic stem cell researchers are agitating for taxpayer money is that their private funding has dried up. Private investors and venture capitalists are not investing in embryonic stem cell research because they perceive it to be a pipe dream unlikely to produce any progress and, hence, investment returns, in any reasonable time frame.…
George W. Bush was the United States of America’s 43rd president. During his presidency, Bush faced many ground breaking decisions that would help mold the nation’s growth. One such issue was that regarding the use of government funds to support stem cell research (“George W. Bush”).…
2. The head of the National Institutes of Health declared that stem cell research has the potential to revolutionize medical practices. If we are able to control them, we can open a new door to wonderful medical discoveries.…
Bhartiya, Deepa, et al. “Ovarian Stem Cells: Absence of Evidence Is Not Evidence Of Abscense.” Journal of Ovarian Research 6.1 (2013): 1-6. Web. 2 Nov. 2013.…
“Biomedicine” intends to increase quality of life via new research. One of the recent biomedical research is “Human Stem Cell” from which all 210 different kinds of tissue in the human body originate(the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, 94). Additionally, UNESCO states that separating some inner cell mass from the embryo at the blastocyst stage, they can be cultured to produce pluripotent stem cells, capable of developing into blood , muscle, or many other kinds of tissues and organs of the body (13). Thus, at first “Stem Cell” may sound hopeful for human life but…
Every day millions of Americans across the country suffer from ailments ranging from diabetes to spinal cord injuries. However, new scientific advancements in the field of stem cell research may one day end their pain and suffering. Therefore, it is essential for Americans to support stem cell research. Unfortunately, the research has become the center of a controversy in recent years. Opponents of the research argue against the destruction of a human embryo. Proponents of the research support it because of the promise that the tiny cells show. Scientists have already coaxed the cells into forming several different tissues and even entire organisms and with continued research they may one day be able to cure a myriad of diseases.…
Stem cells, often called the building blocks of the human body, are positioned within the body’s blood, tissues, organs, and immune system. Once they are transplanted, they have the capability to either reconstruct or restore a patient’s damaged cells which could enhance the patient’s health; and in some cases can conclusively save a person’s life.…
One of the biggest political debates of recent times is whether the government should not only allow, but appropriate funds for the research of all types of stem cells mainly the embryonic stem cell. A stem cell is a primitive type of cell that can be manipulated into developing into most of the cells present in the body. Scientists believe that the stem cell is the single most important element in the cure of many diseases, which include heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and some types of cancer. Stem cells can be extracted from both adults and young embryos. The differences of an embryonic stem cell and an adult stem cell in most peoples eyes are that cells can be extracted from adults for research without harm to adult, but those extracted from embryos are the result of the destruction of the embryo. Scientists believe that although adult stem cells can be helpful in the research in disease, those cells are inferior to those of a human embryo because the embryonic stem cell can developing in almost all the types of cells in the body, but the adult variety is limited in how many cells it can develop into. The Coalition for the advancement of Medical Research estimates, " stem cell research shows promise to develop cures and/or new treatments for 100 million Americans who currently suffer from a wide variety of diseases and disorders."…
Stem cell research has been happening for 30 or more years through bone marrow transplants, but has only been a major debate for about the past ten years with the first isolation of embryonic stem cells (UMichigan). According to a popular issues website the definition of stem cells is, "… contrasted with "differentiated" cells. They offer much hope for medical advancement because of their ability to grow into almost any kind of cell” (Pros and Cons…). One of the main debates is between stem cell research and religious views. Some religions such as branches Christianity believe that obtaining and using embryonic stem cells is a sin and should not be used for research or otherwise. Even though I identify as a Christian, I believe that stem cells should be utilized, as long as an egg is not fertilized only for the use of stem cells.…
The 70's focused on research that involved fetuses in utero. The 80's shifted to research of transplantation of fetal tissue into adults with serious medical conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson's, and spinal cord injuries. The latest saga involves using cells from days-old "spare" embryos that are created in infertility treatment process and all are considered unethical and unmoral issues.…
In conclusion, I feel that although stem cell research can be beneficial for the future of science, and help minimize diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, I believe that the risks and procedures that are associated with the research are inappropriate and unnecessary.…
I have decided to write my paper on one of the most controversial subjects in the United States for the past few years: Stem Cell Research. The problem with this topic is that it's relatively new and many people don't realize that stem cell research can eventually provide incurable diseases to be cured in the years to come. There are basically two different sides to this issue:…
Stem cell research could have a positive impact to different diseases including stroke, respiratory disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, spinal cord injuries, and some birth defects.…
Three things that I have been interested in for a while are aging, embryonic stem cells, and intelligence as an entirety. These three particular subjects interest because the nature of each I do not fully understand. Ever since I saw my first superhero movie I've wondered how I could acquire such abilities but one that seemed the most interesting to me not because it shows up in the movies but in literature from all eras of humanity when we as humans first began recording the world around us. For a subject that a majority of humanity has been worried about for centuries it seems, other than maintaining healthy habits, we have made little to no advancement on how to control the aging proccess. Even though I believe that no advancement has been made on learning to manipulate and understand the aging proccess i also believe that embryonic stem cells though seem they might be a major key in developing the answers. The way I think of embryonic stems cells is that they are the most basic cells and instead of being the building block, like other base materials, they already have the building blocks set in place to build what ever is neccessary. If there is cell that is pluripotent-being able to become any other type of cell- then why can’t those cell be cultured in way thaat we can invoke the need for them after introducing it to living human body.…
The advancement in technology has lead to the treatment of many diseases. Stem cell research has provided hope and has brought optimism among the scientists and doctors in curing the patients who suffered or died due to the once called "untreatable" diseases decades ago. Stem cells are the ones which can develop into any type of a body cell including the cells of blood, liver, brain, muscles, and many more. They are found in adult bone marrow, embryos, fetuses, and blood from the umbilical cord (Bailey 100). Stem cell research is the latest advancement in biotechnology which shows how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This technique has lead scientists to research about the possibility of cell-based therapies to treat disease, which is often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine.…