* Is chemically similar to glucose but it is found only in fruits & honey.
GA lactose * Does not occur naturally in foods, but it forms as a result of the digestion of the disaccharide.
Are formed through the combination of any 2 monosaccharides. * Glucose +fructosesucrose * Glucose+ GA lactose lactose * Glucose +Glucosemaltose
Starch * It acts as a store of energy which can be converted back into glucose when required. It can be found in 2 forms: * The polysaccharides of amylose (50-500 glucose units in a straight line) * Amylopectin (Which contains up to 100000 glucose units in a branch like structure)
Glycogen: is the bodies’ equivalent to starch. It is stored in the liver and muscles and is Brocken down into glucose when energy is required.
Pectin: pectin substances are compounds which are found in cells between the cells of fruit and some root vegetables.
Cellulose: (DIETRY FIBRE) - it is the indigestible part of plant foods like starch, cellulose is a polysaccharide of glucose, but it is structurally and nutritionally different from starch because the glucose molecules are joined together in a different way. The human body is incapable of digesting cellulose because it lacks the necessary enzymes. The only possible breakdown of cellulose occurs through the mechanical action of chewing.
Marasmus is also known as a protein – energy malnutrition, occurs as a result of a diet that supplies an inadequate complete protein and energy. This is a serious condition because the protein supplied by the diet cannot adequately meet the demands of the body for protein, for growth and repair, and for energy. Marasmus will lead to death if assistance is