• Motivation is the need or desire that energizes behavior and directs it toward a goal.
• Perspectives on Motivation • There are four perspectives scientists have when looking at motivation including: • Instinct theory • Drive reduction theory • External/Arousal theory • Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
• Instincts and Evolutionary Psychology • To be an instinct, a complex behavior must have a fixed pattern throughout a species and be unlearned. • Early instinct theorists tried to explain motivation through this theory but they were merely listing instead of explaining such behaviors.
• Drives and Incentives • Drive reduction theory- the …show more content…
Thus giving rise to the arousal theory.
• A Hierarchy of Motives • The hierarchy of needs is Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs that must be first be satisfied before higher level safety needs and then psychological needs become active.
• Hunger • To find out what exactly triggers hunger, A.L Washburn swallowed a balloon and then inflated it in his stomach. Once inflated, the balloon would transmit his stomach contractions to a recording device. Each time he felt hungry, he would push a button. • He revealed that he was having stomach contractions when ever he was hungry. • Even when the stomach was removed from some rats, they were still eating. • Glucose is the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues. When its level is low, we feel hungry. • By increasing insulin, glucose is then reduced because this hormone can convert glucose into stored fat. • Once your blood glucose level drops, your hunger increases. • Once there is a drop, signals from the stomach, intestines and liver start to signal your brain to motivate …show more content…
• In both anorexia and bulimia, psychological factors, such as challenging family settings and weigh-obsessed societal pressures, apparently over-whelm the homeostatic drive to maintain a balanced internal state. • In addition to cultural pressures, low self-esteem and negative emotions seem to interact with stressful life experiences to produce eating disorders. • Twin research also shows that these eating disorders may have a genetic component.
• Sexual Motivation
• • Sex is a physiologically based motive, like hunger, but it is more affected by learning and