2) Batman: The Animated Series was a cartoon that ran from 1992 to 1994. The series was based off of designs done by Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski. While they both helped create the show, Timm stayed to produce the series until it ended. In my opinion, this was one of the best screen depictions of the Batman. While I find Timm’s character designs for this show to be fairly simple, I think he gave the characters have a prominent and memorable appearance. The …show more content…
Its name is German for “great playhouse.” It opened in 1919 in Berlin, Germany. The theater’s design is thought to have been expressionist architecture. I find the look of this theatre to be magnificent and, at the same time, eerie. It reminds me of a vast cave with the spikes hanging from the ceiling like stalactites. The size and pattern of the ceiling puts me in awe. When the Nazis took over the theatre in 1933, they covered up the ceiling because they designated the theatre as “Degenerate Art.” Unfortunately, German authorities later used the theatre as a storehouse and then demolished it in the late