PropertyName PropertyType PropertyAddress OwnerLastName OwnerFirstName OwnerPhone OwnerEmail
Q-B: Describe modification problems that are likely to occur if Garden Glory attempts to maintain the list in spreadsheet.
Answer: There are three types of modification are likely to occur in this case.
1- Updating some value in the list
2- Deleting some value in the list
3- Adding some value in the list
Updating value: For example, there will be problem changing the phone number of the owner. We have to change phone number on three places and if we don’t we will have inconsistency in the data.
Deleting value: For example, if want to delete data of a property of owner the data of owner who has only one property then information of the owner will be also deleted because they are in the same row.
Adding value: For example, if we want to add a data for a customer but we don’t want to add property data. In this case we will unable to capture the data of those owners whose property data is not available or we don’t want to keep their data.
Q-C: Split the list into tables such that each has only one theme. Crate appropriate ID columns. Use a linking column to represent the relationship between a property and an owner. Demonstrate that the modification problem you identified in part B have been eliminated.
Answer: There are two themes
1- Owner theme.
2- Property theme.
Owner theme: The list contain details about owner. For example, OnwenLastName, OwnerFirstName, OwnerPhone and OwnerEmail. Each owner is unique
Property theme: The list contain details about the property. For example,