A landlord / landlord's agent / leasing agent / property manager requires preparing Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form and handing over the same to a tenant for any property built on or prior to the year 1978. This disclosure and EPA pamphlet offers information about hazards upon the exposure to paint-based lead commonly available in paint dust or chips during renovation or repainting. The EPA pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home has vital information. In addition, a resale of such a house must comply with the requirements specified in Residential Resale Lead-Based Paint Hazard 1992. Please prepare this form with the due consideration of
The landlord must provide accurate information about the presence of lead based paint in the home …show more content…
The tenant must acknowledge the receipt of the disclosure and EPA pamphlet by signing the form.
All parties must date and sign the Certificate of Accuracy portion of the disclosure.
How To Prepare Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form
This instrument requests input from a landlord, tenant, and agent or property manager if any. Therefore, it is very essential that all parties prepare it together. Please provide following requested information and sign when needed.
Detailed property address on the foremost line of the form
Disclosure By A Landlord - Landlord must select choices between A1 or A2 by marking the correct box and sign the form in agreement. Similarly, a landlord must select between option B1 or B2 and sign the form in conformity. The landlord must sign the acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement By A Tenant - A tenant must sign in the space in option D and E in conformity to receiving copies of the disclosure and EPA pamphlet
Acknowledgement By Agent/Property Manager - The property manager or an agent must sign the form in