
Gary Soto The Pie Analysis

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Gary Soto The Pie Analysis
The Pie by Gary Soto is about a six years old boy that gives into temptation and steals a pie. He then is faced with guilt and struggles with this guilt through-out the story. We, as humans are constantly faced with temptation in our every-day life. When you think about it, there isn’t a day that goes by without being tempted. Temptations lie with the food we eat, the people we talk to and the choices we are faced with. It can come in many forms. We are tempted to gossip, to tell a lie, to feel superior to others and judge them or to make choices we know are just not right. But the real question is how do we deal with these temptations? Well, firstly we need to understand the difference between a trial and a temptation. Trials are the external

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