In the essays “Against School” by John Gatto, and “How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading” by John Holt, both authors discuss their views on education and schooling. In both essays the authors analyze education and state their opinions about what is wrong with our schooling system. The authors explain the issues surrounding teachers, teaching styles, and curriculum in our schools. In John Gatto’s essay “Against School,” he explains how he does not believe that forced schooling (five days a week, six classes a day) is the most efficient way of educating. Gatto says that the education system is leaving both the teachers and students bored. “I taught for thirty years…and during that time I became an expert in boredom.” (Gatto 23) He also explains that schools represent prisons, and that teachers aren’t interested in the curriculum they are teaching. Gatto says that the main purpose of schooling is to create good citizens and good people. He says that schools are basically teaching students not to think for themselves. Gatto believes that public education is crippling kids. He says that the purpose of schooling should be to awaken the young’s intelligence. In John Holt’s essay “How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading”, he explains how teachers are forcing students into learning, and in particular forcing them to read. Holt says that teachers are putting pressure on students, and putting an emphasis on perfection. He says as a result, students have obtained a fear of being ridiculed. Holt believes that students are more inclined to learn if they are free to make mistakes. He explains that when you take the pressure off the students, school becomes less stressful and more exciting. “When we are anxious, we don’t perceive clearly or remember what we once perceived.” (Holt 31) He also believes that schools take away student’s creativity and willingness to learn and that schools try to force students to think the same. He says that school is the beginning of a student’s interest and enthusiasm for learning so it is important that teachers are encouraging.
In both essays, the authors focus on what is wrong with our education system. I think that both authors would agree that school is somewhat forced upon students. They would also agree that schools are trying to teach students to think the same way. I also think that Gatto and Holt would agree that teachers play a huge role in a student’s education and that teachers could improve a student’s learning experience. Holt would disagree with Gatto when he says he does not think forced schooling is necessary. I think Holt is more focused on improving teaching techniques, while Gatto is more concerned about the schooling as a whole.
With both authors there are some arguments I agree and disagree with. I think both authors make very valid points, but I have found I have my own opinions on education from going through the schooling system as a student myself. In Gatto’s essay he says that students are bored in school. I agree with this because in my experience through my education I would get bored with my classes and the curriculum. One thing I did notice is that some of the teachers I had did a great job of trying to make the material we were learning fun and exciting. For example, in the fourth grade my class was learning about the Oregon trail. Instead of assigning a paper or project on the Oregon trail, my teacher gave us a unique assignment. Each member of the class was given a different character and we got to act out going through the Oregon trail for a whole month. I thought that this was a great teaching strategy because it got the class excited and involved, and I actually learned a lot. I agree with Holt when he talks about how the pressure that is put on students is not beneficial to their learning. Through my own experience in schooling I felt that teachers who provided a relaxed, caring environment were the best and most memorable teachers because they took away the stress of school and made learning fun. I think by creating an environment like this, students will look forward to school instead of dreading it.
I agree with Gatto when he says that education should awaken the young’s intelligence. I think that school should be a place that encourages children that learning is fun, and it should inspire students to want to learn more. I agree with Holt when he says that some teachers instill fear of ridicule into their students. I have experienced this first hand throughout my education. Some teachers come off as cold and do not encourage students to ask questions. When teachers are intimidating like this it affects the students ability to completely understand the material they are learning.
I disagree with Gatto when he says that forced schooling (five days a week, six classes a day) is not the most efficient way of teaching. Throughout my years in school I think the structured schedule of school has helped me learn and it established a daily routine, which I felt helped me grow as a student. Holt says that schools try to force kids to think the same. I disagree with this because throughout my years in school I have felt that my teachers were very open to knew ideas and different opinions. I always thought that my teachers did a good job of welcoming unique ways of thinking. I disagree with both Gatto and Holt when they say that public education cripples kids and takes away their creativity. I have always thought that the schooling system does a good job of creating creative outlets for students such as art classes, and I think that the schooling system as a whole helps children grow into adults.
I think both John Gatto and John Holt had some great points about what is wrong in our education system. I think that there are some things about our education system that should be changed, but overall I think it is a pretty good system that is successful in educating students. Both authors explain the issues surrounding teachers, teaching styles, and curriculum. I think that all of these issues could be solved by focusing on the needs of each individual student, and by encouraging teachers to make learning fun. I believe that if students are excited about school they will be more willing to put in the effort to learn. Education is so important because it gives everyone an opportunity to become a contributing citizen and to create a life for themselves. I for one am very appreciative of my education and I am excited to complete my last four years.
Works Cited:
Gatto, John T. "Against School." Readings for Writers (2013): n. pag. Print.
Holt, John. "How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading." Readings for Writers (2013): n. pag. Print.
Cited: Gatto, John T. "Against School." Readings for Writers (2013): n. pag. Print. Holt, John. "How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading." Readings for Writers (2013): n. pag. Print.