Growing up I was always told marriage is between a man and a woman and that God wants us to be married and be fruitful and multiply, fruitful meaning having children. This is something that I was told by my parents, grandparents and the church. I chose to discuss gay marriage because it is really something that I have conflicting feelings about based on what I think is right and what I have been told is right, when I was growing up as a young child in a Christian environment. Many Christians quote that God found it unacceptable for same sex relations to take place, because it is wrong. Furthermore, God created woman for man and man for woman, not woman for woman or man for man, as stated in the book of Genesis. You have polls that have been conducted where people still think that gay marriage is wrong. Then religion may be one of the most controversial issues regarding gay marriage, many religions find gay marriage to be immoral and a sin. I think that same sex marriage should be allowed although many of my family and friends wouldn’t agree with my choice. I look at the issue like any other issue that our country has faced
References: marriage. (2001). In Chambers 21st Century Dictionary. Retrieved from Mosser, K. (2010). Ethics and Social Responsibility. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Avery, A., Chase, J., Johansson, L., Litvak, S., Montero, D., & Wydra, M. (2007). America 's Changing Attitudes toward Homosexuality, Civil Unions, and Same-Gender Marriage: 1977-2004. Social Work, 52(1), 71-79 Children raised by lesbian couples aren 't disadvantaged. (2001, December). Ananova. Retrieved December 21, 2004, from religion. (2000). In Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved from Bickford, E. L. (2003). To Bless or Not to Bless. Dialog: A Journal Of Theology, 42(4), 379-381. doi:10.1111/j.0012-2033.2003.00179.x Elias, M. (2004, Jul 29). Psychologists to endorse gay marriage ; APA: Having equal rights improves quality of life. USA TODAY. Retrieved from