Andrés Diez 12°B #10
Should there be a constitutional amendment that allows gays and lesbians to legally marry? All around the world, gay people are struggling to be approved legally and by society; however, their fight is definitely working, because this union is becoming more and more accepted globally. That doesn’t mean they should stop now, the battle for these rights is just beginning.
Homosexual activities and relationships exist since human origins. Primitive men often engaged in sexual relationships to show and prove their masculinity; the Egyptians and Greeks also practiced this doings openly, as a way of expressing love or trying to copy the high classes and Gods. “Evidence exists that same-sex marriages were tolerated in parts of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Artifacts from Egypt, for example, show that same-sex relationships not only existed, but the discovery of a pharaonic tomb for such a couple shows their union was recognized by the kingdom.” “Greek mythology records “same-sex exploits” by gods as high ranking as Zeus. And the epics of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, contain poetic passages that suggested homoerotic love to the educated hearer.” (
The point I’m aiming for at this moment, is to demonstrate that physical homosexual relations are a necessity for some, it’s an impulse stronger than their minds; early beginnings prove it. As humans we should not deny them the right to live freely and to be married, because this means you’re denying their right for happiness. Gay men and women should make their own decisions, without half of the world having something to say.
“As of July 17, 2013, 14 out of 194 countries allow same-sex couples to marry: the Netherlands (2000), Belgium (2003), Canada (2005), Spain (2005), South Africa (2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Argentina (2010), Iceland (2010), Portugal (2010), Denmark (2012), Uruguay (2013), New Zealand (2013), and France (2013). Same-sex marriage is legal in some jurisdictions of Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States.” ( Having said that, it demonstrates how people is seeing the situation objectively nowadays, differing from the previous ten years. These countries catalogued themselves as first-world nations, implying the law is indispensable for social development. In other words, maybe not now, but at some point the country will need to approve the law if they seek for growth and expansion of their nation.
A usual point of discussion is the truth about their odd tendency. Meaning there’s a popular belief, in which some people claim to be homosexual as a scream for attention. To be honest, it could happen, but do you imagine someone taking that amount of criticism, oppression, alienation, and hatred only for attention? Not likely. The real cause for homosexuality lies between the genes and the person’s behavior; however it’s mostly biological. “Most researchers find that homosexuality, like many others psychological conditions, is due to a combination of social, biological, or psychological factors. According to a study done by Simon LeVay, the brains of a group of gay men differed from those of straight men. Specifically, the nucleus of the hypothalamus, which triggers male-typical sex behavior, revealed a small, but significant difference in the clusters of neutrons of homosexual men as opposed to heterosexual men.” (
Having the previous statement in mind, wouldn’t they deserve reconsideration? Should they be a little more understood, knowing it’s not the life they have chosen?
Another reason that brings same-sex marriage a lot of rejection, are the children. The moment a couple consumes marriage, kids are born as a symbol of their love, unity and legacy. It wouldn’t be any different if a homosexual couple unites legally. So, will their children be bullied? Will they be unhappy and miserable? “The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) continues to claim that children with gay parents suffer severe emotional and mental abuse, even going so far as to argue that they are more likely to become child molesters than children raised by heterosexual parents.” ( It’s a tough reality, but it makes a ton of sense. Having gay parents condemns a child for a life of mocking and sadness; projecting a poor and unsecure future for them. Therefore, if gay marriage ever gets legalized, it should have some limits. Adopting children for starters. Speaking about limits, if homosexual marriage does get permitted, the gay community should have a series of boundaries. As mention before, adopting should be the primary and most important limit. In Russia, same-sex union isn’t allowed, and the country possesses a high grade of discipline toward the topic. The country has voided the right (three months ago) to adopt or raise children by same-sex couples living outside the nation. “President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning gay and lesbian couples in foreign countries from adopting Russian children. The measure was one of a series adopted by Russian authorities in recent weeks that have been slammed by civil rights leaders as discriminatory. The Kremlin said in a statement that "the measure is aimed at guaranteeing a harmonious and full upbringing for children in adoptive families". It also bans adoption by unmarried individuals who live in countries with laws permitting same-sex marriages.” ( Not marrying by the church should be another, because it is common by same-sex couples to demand the right to marry by the church; so that is definitely off limits. Signs of affection in schools, public offices, and churches should be forbidden. The previous paragraph was stated with the purpose to maintain peace, and to try to keep the public happy, if and only if the law passes. The clear intention from every government is to maintain peace, and order at every moment. With the approval of the marriage, some people will strongly disagree and may cause troubles and issues; therefore, these limits should be enforced so the disturbers avoid all type of conflict.
If same-sex marriage does get allowed, will gays be finally happy? Even though, they are approved legally, will they be approved and accepted socially? Alienation, discrimination, disgusting looks in the street; those attitudes toward the homos will never go away, it won’t disappear. Let’s talk facts, if only 14 countries out of 194 have legalized the union, it means that only 7.2% percent of the world “likes” them. So is happiness granted for them? Absolutely not, therefore the government should think twice before even bringing the topic. From all the situations and possible scenarios mentioned before, an impact in the society must occur.
Positive impact: The legalization will definitely improve the way of living in many levels. No more riots disrupting roads, work, and the people’s health; more income: “Revenue from gay marriage comes from marriage licenses, higher income taxes (the so-called "marriage penalty"), and decreases in costs for state benefit programs. The Comptroller for New York City found that legalizing gay marriage would bring $142 million to the city’s economy and $184 million to the state’s economy over three years.” ( Legalizing same-sex marriage will not harm heterosexual marriages or family values, and civilization will remain the same and continue to function accurately. “Anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies." (Social Science Quarterly). The human race has the tendency to ignore or even like some things when they are used too; consequently, when citizens get used to the idea (the ones who disagreed), they could even accept them, seeing there’s no harm done.
Negative impact: Every good thing has flaws, so don’t get too excited if you are supporting this modern-times union. Undesirable things will occur, no doubt about it. The importance of the institution of marriage will decrease if gay couples are allowed to wed. “Traditional marriage is already threatened with high divorce rates (between 40% and 50%) and with 40.6% of babies being born to unmarried mothers in 2008. ( Adding to that, this odd union could present a danger for the involved parties in the making of the law, and the openly homosexual couples. Not all religions, could commit such a radical act, but don’t forget about the Muslims and their volatile behavior. “Gay marriage is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups.” ( Because of their inability to create offspring, marriage’s purpose will change forever. “Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification.” (( “new right” will damage the image of marriage; it will no longer be seen as sacred, and magical. The approval, will open up doors for another craze or obsession people will have. Drugs, public drinking, whorehouses, prostitution, will have the potential to be allowed. The nation will lose any kind of religion, and morals will be lower than ever.
It’s up to you to decide whether you go with the positive or the negative impact. Which decision will influence our society the most? Are you willing to handle the consequences? Both decisions will cause effects; the trick is to choose the one that will be worth suffering for. Stop thinking about every issue, every situation, and every trouble you are going through right now, and think objectively: Will the decision improve somebody’s lifestyle? Or will it harm it? Will it truly help your nation? Will it create a better place to live? Or will it be a hostile environment?
In conclusion, homosexual marriage should be legalized. It brings to the nation, more benefits that setbacks, and of course more capital. It might bring more happiness to certain individuals, than chaos for those who disagree. Maybe your nation isn’t ready, perhaps mine either; maybe isn’t the right time to say yes to the law. The point is, to be ready when the time comes, and it will be soon be sure of that. Perhaps one day our grandchildren will see this law, the same way we see today the discrimination of black people. Remember open your mind, be objective, and do what feels right.
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