Gay marriage is one of the, if not the most, discussed topic in today’s society. Like every subculture, gays have their distinctive norms, social practices, and, vocabulary. Thus as caused them to be subject of discrimination throughout history. Conservatives and religious people who don’t believe that homosexual couples should be allowed to be united by law or any other institution have been putting pressure in on the government to prevent the creation of laws in favor of same sex couples.
If you look the word marriage in the dictionary this what you’ll get: “marriage (n). The formal union of a man and woman, typically organized by law, by which they become husband and wife” (Merriam-Webster, Marriage). …show more content…
If you want to own a property, you have to buy it legally (often a complicated process) and pay applicable taxes or it will cease to be yours. If you want to be a driver, you must prove you can drive safely and see adequately; if you disobey the rules or lose your sight, your license may be revoked. By contrast, few (if any) behaviors automatically end marriage. If a man beats a woman-about the worst thing he can do to her- he may be convicted for assault, but the marriage is not automatically dissolved (Rauch, 14). Some couples can have an open marriage (considered to be adulterous) yet still be married. They can be celibate and consummation is not a requirement. If you are charged with a felony, you lose the right to vote or take any legal action, and yet, you are able to marry, even on your way to the electric chair. Still conservatives and religious members of Congress have denied every attempt to legalize same sex marriage. Gay activists have said, "Marriage is for love and we love each other, therefore we should be able to marry." Traditionalists have said, "Marriage is for procreation, and homosexuals don’t procreate, therefore, they should not be able to marry” (Rauch, 2004)
This fight went for years until 1993, when the Hawaiian Supreme Court ruled that laws denying same-sex couples the right to marry violated state constitutional equal protection rights unless the state could show a "compelling reason" for such discrimination.
From that time on, many states have taken actions to clearly define marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman and others have allowed same-sex couples to marry. Areas like California (2013), Connecticut (2008), Iowa (2009), Massachusetts (2004), New Jersey (2010) and, New Mexico (2013), have approved same sex marriage by court decision. Others like, Delaware (2013), Hawaii (2013), Illinois (taking effect during June of this year), Minnesota (2013), New Hampshire (2010), New York (2011), Rhode Island (2013) and, Vermont (2009), have approved it by State Legislature. Finally, in Maine (2012), Maryland (2013) and, Washington (2012) gay marriage was approved by popular …show more content…
In his book, “Gay Marriage. Why is good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America,” Jonathan Rauch Explains why there is nothing wrong with making gay marriage legal. What would be good for gays? To start, they’ll finally reach full legal equality, a new level of social acceptance and, a share of goods. They’d be able to create real homes for themselves without having to hide from their family and friends and they would have a normal life where they can get jobs and not be discriminated for it.
What would be good for straight people?
First of all, in my personal opinion, as a straight person, the matter doesn’t affect me at all, so why would I ever be against a group of people who are just trying to consummate their love? Then, there is the fact that society would be better, without all the fights or prejudices from both sides. Little by little both subcultures would merge, eliminating differences and creating a society where everyone has the same rights and can share opinions without being judged.
What would be good for America? It would give strength to the meaning and mission of marriage. People will stop seeing marriage as a privilege and more like a spiritual action. Also the economy would benefit: the more same sex couples that get married, the more houses they’d buy, and therefore more taxes would be paid. And most important, government would stop worrying about this problem, which isn 't really a problem, and move on to the things that are actually affecting our nation, like poverty, homelessness, terrorism, and so
Also, since gay couples cant procreate, they 'll want to adopt, which is very good since there are so many children without a place to call home. According to a study from, there is an estimate of 143 million orphans/abandoned kids only in USA; but just like with marriage, the same parties don 't want to allow same sex couples to adopt children, because they think that a child raised by a gay couple will be gay in the future. To adopt a child as a gay couple, your child has to be adopted first by one of the partners by himself and then after that process is over, the partner will have to apply to have a second parent adoption (also called, two-step adoption), which is not allowed in most states like Florida, where gay adoption, as well as marriage, is completely banned. To adopt a child as a couple, the only states that allow it are Washington D.C, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and California. Other states that allow same sex marriage don’t have clear laws on this issue and in order to adopt, the couple would have to the two-step adoption.
Another problem with the same sex adoption is the difficulties the child will have while growing up having two dads or two moms. Some conservative parents will not allow their kids to play with the child, and could accuse the child growing up of being unable to connect in a social manner. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent it. Parents should look for teachers that can teach their children to say “parents” instead of “mom” or “dad”. There is also the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance), an organization that supports and includes all students and families, and is actually a main club in many high schools and colleges.
The gay population is in constant growth, every day, more and more people are getting out of the “closet,” They are human; they deserve the right to be heard and to create a family. They have the right to create a family where their kids are not bullied or harassed because their parents are homosexual.
The gay population is in constant growth, every day, more and more people are “coming out of the closet”. That’s not to say that they haven’t existed prior to this day and age, but now they are finding it more comfortable to be themselves around family, friends, and the general public. They are human. They also deserve the right to be heard and to create a family and have the right to create a family where their kids are not bullied or harassed because their parents are homosexuals. Everyone deserves a chance at love and a right to be happy, no matter whom it is that they may end up being with at the end of their lives.
Gay Marriage, Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America, Jonathan Rauch. 2004
The Complete Adoption & Fertility Legal Guide, Brette McWhorter Sember, 2004, 2012