I'm a student here at Laingsburg just like all of you. I have a few friends who this law would apply to down the road. They walk down the same hallway as me. They eat in the same lunch room as me. But why when it comes to marriage why do they have different rights then me. Personally I think these laws should have never been put in place. Why? That is the question I am always asking myself. Why are they so different then me? Why do they have to suffer instead of me? Why? Why? Why?. What if I told you I was homosexual? What if I came up here and told you I go home and cry everyday and have suicidal thoughts, like most of these people do. Would you feel bad for me? Or would you automatically judge me for who I liked? Now I have a question for am I any different then how I was 15 seconds ago before I told you that? Did I change shape? Did I become a blonde with blue eyes? No. I stayed the same. So how are homosexual people any different then me when they tell us they are homosexual. In this country, it seems to me that we are just moving from one form of discrimination to another. Now that racism is taking its leave, although there are still many cases of it today, we have