In the documentary movie “Food Inc.” filmmaker Robert Kenner opens American’s eyes to the reality of all kind of food that they are eating during the last 50 years. Since the food industry has been changed from fast growing restaurants as the fast food incorporations like McDonald’s, ….
After watching this movie we now understood why they have been called fast food; because not only they prepare fast but also their meats and veggies raise much faster than before. In this program we see some interviews with experts, reveals surprising and often shocking truths, about what we eat how it’s produced, who have become as a nation and where we are going from.
This film shows us how poor chickens suffer from antibiotics, asteroids and no sunlight in their breasts and legs in 48 days instead of 70 days in which nature has intended for them. We know the fact American people love hamburgers very much. Unfortunately by this reason corporations have made lots of money from producing unhealthy meats which costs people’s life. When they change cow’s genes and give them too many corns for growing faster and having more meat and milk with least costs.
As we have seen in the film there are new stains of E-Coli, the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are facing with widespread obesity, particularly among children, epidemic level of diabetes among adults.
In this movie one the expert mentioned “In the United States today, 30 percent of our land base is being planted to corn. That’s largely driven by government policy that paid us to over produce corn and it was caused by large multinational companies”. They push farmers to pesticide vegetables that they can use their seed for many times without any damages.
These huge corporations such as Tyson, Monstanto, Cargill, Perdue and Smith Field all declined to tell their side of story to the filmmaker. These companies also use their