States Marine is responsible to constantly check and make sure he/she has all his gear accounted for. Anytime he/she moves from one place to another he/she should check his/her gear to make sure he/she has it. Gear accountability is also critical to a combat situation for the reason of not having your kevlar during a combat situation or your NVG’s during a night operation. CIF issued gear has a major impact on being a United States Marine and is crucial to surviving in the most uncomfortable situation. Ensuring you have all your gear needed for the task given is one way to be a step ahead of your enemy.
Prior to deploying or even prior to going on a field operation, it is in your best interest to make sure you have all the gear necessary to surpass any obstacle that may interfere with the goal of the mission. For example if you are going to the field during the winter you should probably bring any or all warming layers you find needed to stay warm and prevent yourself from getting sick. Getting sick will take you out of the battle or incapacitated to continue with the operation. Also when you have completed your mission you should also check and make sure you have all the gear you had the day the mission began. It is also your job to ensure your fellow marines have all their gear as well. It is your job to take responsibility and check yourself as well as your fellow Marines. To prevent a loss of any serialized gear you can dummy cord it to yourself if possible. That way if there is a situation that requires immediate movement or anything of that nature, it will be secured to your body. You should check your gear before you go to sleep and when you wake up to ensure you are mission ready at all times. Being a United States Marine requires you to be ready at all times nights, weekends, whenever duty calls you need to be at the ready at all times. Having your gear ready for the next day is the best thing to
do. As a heavy equipment engineer operator it is in your best interest to have your flak and kevlar at all times in case you are required to go on a run or field operation. With that being said every morning or night prior you should make sure you have your flak and kevlar reachable at all times.