The thing is, we all know that it is wrong but we have continued to do it for years. It is unlawful to harass a person because of their sex. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. (Sex Discrimination Harrassment) website states that women get 77 cents per every dollar earned by men. It may not seem like that big of a difference but if a man gets $100,000 a year then a woman with the same job is getting only $77,000 a year. It makes a difference when you look at it from a different perspective. The same website also states that 29 percent of households led by single females are below the poverty level, as compared with just 12 percent of households led by single males. This means that more women in the United States are likely to be in poverty. Also, they state that Women and girls make up 75% of the poorest people in the world today. For example, of the poorest 10% of the population in Guatemala, 75% are women. I know this isn't in our country, but if it is happening all over the world, it could happen anywhere. Also, nearly four in 10 girls reported being made fun of because they are a girl, compared to under one in ten for boys. (Gender Discrimination in Education) Monetary discrimination is just as much of a problem as sexual discrimination. Now, we could look at the facts all day or we could just imagine what is right. It doesn't necessarily take facts to believe what is wrong. Think about it. Do women deserve the disrespect that they are getting right now all around the world, just because they are girls, have longer hair, or even just talk “girly”? We are all unique in our own ways and we should respect everyone even though they might be a little weird. In most schools, if not all, the teachers or some sort of adult teach you to respect each other for who they are and to treat others like you want to be treated. When we are told this, we all think that we will do it for the rest of our lives and that we will never disrespect anyone ever again. If this was really true, there wouldn't be such a big problem all around our world about gender discrimination. In CREW class we are learning about drunk driving and this is a great real life example. We all think we are never going to drink and drive, but then there might be a huge party where you might make bad decisions. After that, you might have to drive home and then you get in a crash so then there is a drinking and driving problem just like gender discrimination has become a problem too. We need a solution to this problem and I think the best one would be to let people know in general. If the United States realizes that the problem is such a big issue they is a better chance that we will do something about it. If we start one more campaign in every state, that might help two women in every state which means we will help one hundred women from being discriminated against in the United States. It does seem like much, but if a state realizes how they helped out, they might make more campaigns. It would be like a real life chain of helping people and happiness.
In conclusion, gender discrimination is a world wide problem and if we remove the issue from out country, we would be doing our world a great service.
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