Title: Gender in leadership
To what extent does gender affect leadership style?
This literature review aims to critically identify and analyze whether female and male leadership style differ in business. It has been claimed that men make better leaders than women because of the leadership style they implicate. To this affect perhaps women have not been given a fair chance to show their leadership skills. This review will interpret international articles and journals based on these issues .
Leadership can be characteristics that some individual possesses. These characteristic traits enable those individuals to induce others to accomplish tasks (Northhouse et. Al., 2010). A successful leader has the ability to get the job done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. In addition a leader must be able to influence, encourage and motivate subordinates to ensure maximum output and ultimately achieve success. Without the use of affective leadership a company vision can be distorted. Under the watch of poor leaders, staff moral declines and this can be directly linked to low productivity.
re males and females seen differently with respect to their leadership style?
There is a considerable variety of assumptions regarding the influences of leadership style as far as gender is concerned. Which closely links to my proposed question, are males and females seen differently with respect to leadership style. Previous literatures, especially within the past two decades suggest that men and women assume different leadership styles. Burns (1978) posited that leadership behaviour can be categorized as either transformational or transactional. A study by (Burke &Collins 2001) shows that female leaders advanced in their career by following an interactive style that is appropriate for them. This leadership style called transformational leadership is identified as favourable amongst women.
Women leaders naturally seek more
References: Adler,N.J, (1993), Competitive frontiers: Women managers in the Triad, International studies of Management and Organisation, Vol 23, Issue 2,p. 3-23 Burns, J Catalyst (2007), The Double-Bind Dilemma for Women in Leadership, Catalyst, New York, NY. Collins, K.M ., Burkes S., (2001), Gender differences in leadership styles and management skills, Vol.16, Issue 5, p244-256 Eagly, A.H the evidence, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, p. 807-34 Gurrian P., Annis B., (2008) Lussier, A., (2010). Effective Leadership,4th ed., Leap publishing Northouse, P Oakley, G.J., (2000), Gender-based Barriers to Senior Management Positions: Understanding the Scarcity of Female CEOs. Vol. 27, p 321-334 www.icmrindia.org/.../Leadership%20and%20Entrepreneurship/LDEN014.htm accessed 29/10/2010